Thursday, June 24, 2010

to thrive?

Today I am wondering what exactly it means to thrive... to thrive in everyday life, in work, in play, in moments when you are alone, in moments when you are surrounded by people. How can one function at their best in any and all situations? The sun is shining beautifully today and so looking at the beautiful outdoors I am wondering. How many people are "thriving" today? The weather is giving perfect reason to be at your best, but I know I'm not one of those people today. I struggled to roll out of bed this morning and I know my thoughts were less than pleasing to God, yet I still went on with the day. Pressing forward it got better slowly as the stress was put behind me because of the focus on the tasks in front of me.

I am reminded that God is still the same. That no matter how I feel or no matter what circumstances dictate, God is still the same. This is my motto for "thriving." I am at my best when I am remembering that nothing and no one can change who God is. Therefore nothing and no one can change my reason for living and being and doing.

All in all, those struggles throughout our day to day life seems menial compared to the knowledge that God is bigger than any of it. He can and will give strength to get through the day, and if we watch out for them, moments that are beautiful and encouraging, moments that make you want to be your best all the time. Moments that make you thrive.

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