Tuesday, January 18, 2011

new beginnings

It's cold and raining... a bit of a dreary, depressing sort of day. It's an Ohio winter all right. The days go by and sometimes you wonder if you will ever see the sunshine again... of course we will, but sometimes I just wonder what life would be like without ever sunshine. Talk about dreary and dark! I'm so looking forward to spring already... the budding flowers and rays of sunshine... the long walks outside and watching everything grow... all these new beginnings.

"New beginnings" - thats what my name means. I love new beginnings... they are so beautiful. A chance to start over, a chance to make a change, a chance to go deeper with God, to learn new things. It seems as though God is always surprising me. Everytime I think I have something figured out, as soon as I solidify it in my mind and heart. That's when it changes. Thats when God says "no, I want you to do this" or "actually, did you think about going in this direction or taking this step."

So now I'm expecting it... what is God going to tell me next? What is the "new beginning" that is heading my way... because I seriously have no idea. The thing is... I don't have to know! I would love to, it would make things easier, but then how would I ever learn how to trust God? So this process of wondering and waiting and trusting is good, because it allows me to rely fully on God and nothing else.

So whatever new beginning is in your life... whatever the journey is that God is taking you on right now... look to Him for guidance and strength and take it as an opportunity to learn more what it means to trust. An opportunity to believe and hope in Christ... an opportunity to make the most of life, chances, dreams, growth... new beginnings.

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