Wednesday, January 26, 2011

don't waste your life

"I want my life to count for something." I've heard this again and again. I've spoken this again and again. I don't want to waste my life. But what does that mean? How do we start taking steps to do something with our lives that make a difference? It's hard to take the challenge... to step it up... to change... to be bold & courageous enough to take risks. Risks! I think that is the key word. If we are afraid of taking risks then it is likely that we will stay in the same old routine day after day after day and never move forward into a life that "counts."

What is a risk for you? What are you afraid of? Are there dreams on your heart that you haven't pursued? Why haven't you pursued them? What is holding you back? There are so many excuses and reasons we give, and some of them are legit reasons. Finances, family, friends, lack of knowledge or education... the list could go on. The thing is: there will always be people who tell you that it's impossible or it's foolish. There will always be bills to pay and maybe never "enough" finances, there will always be more to learn. So what can you do NOW? Can you make a plan, set some goals, and start working towards that? Can you set a goal to get those bills paid and out of the way? Can you get past what people are saying to you to shut down the idea?

It's been four years since I've sold almost everything I owned (including my car, furniture, clothing, books, etc...) moved out of my apartment, and shifted to Australia to work for a non-profit full time volunteer missions organization. During those four years I've had the privilege of learning more of who God is, learning what it means to live a life of missions and ministry. I've lived in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and India... spending my days running health clinics, ministering in slums, sharing the gospel, loving on people, working with the prostitutes and orphans and the poor. It's been hard, but it's been good and rewarding and a time of  learning and best of all EXPERIENCING life.

 The reason I share this part of my life is because I want to say it's possible! Whatever dream is on your heart is possible! Start taking those steps now, and don't waste your life. What is it that is burning on your heart? What is it that you wish you could change in your life? What is it that you wish you could do now or wish you would have done differently. This is the time. Don't regret the past, but plan for your future! If you want more out of life you can have it, but no one is going to hand you your dreams. You have to work for them. So take the challenge, it's your time!

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